Mission Statement

FACC or Figurative Artists of Cloth and Clay is a group of doll artists in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The group meets once a month to share ideas, information, techniques, resources and enthusiasm in a safe and encouraging environment. This group comes together with a shared desire to promote doll making as an art form as well as challenge themselves with their doll making abilities.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Reminder! March Sweet Tooth Challenge!

As a group we agreed that the penalty for not creating a challenge will be increased to 10.00! Everyone hopes we see many creations in lieu of dollars!

Challenge Reveal nights are also troubleshooting nights. Bring a piece that you are working on and another member will probably be able to help you out!

A little ribbon work.....

With some heavy concentration we began our first scheduled play date. Thank you to Jo and Leslie for sharing your talents!

Leslie shared some books that members may find useful if you wish to delve into even more ribbon work.